Welcome to this little website about British Comic free gifts. We hope to create a database that can be helpful to any collector. There will be large gaps to start with but over time we hope to build on it & make it into a helpful user guide. Where possible we will upload the actual comic cover along with the free gift or comic flyer. Check the Grand Index for a complete list of what has been uploaded to date...


Where possible we have contacted the original owners of the free gifts to be used on the site, failing that, alot of online researching has been carried out if the items are not part of my own collection.


Where possible we will also list images or rare comics and annuals that are basically lost to time, in an attempt to keep these works of art in the public eye.


Please visit our Facebook page: Vintage British Comics and Annuals which is basically our forum.


So enjoy...


John Pollock


Brad Farrell