952 issues
(12th June 1915 - 12th Aug 1933)
The Nelson Lee Library was a story paper published by the Amalgamated Press.
Nelson Lee was a detective whose character was created by John William Staniforth prior to this weekly publication some twenty years earlier and 1st appeared in the Halfpenny Marvel and subsequent Amalgamated Press papers over the years. In 1915 Amalgamated Press got exclusive rights which was the same year The Nelson Lee Library was launched.
Initially written as a detective story featuring Nelson Lee and his assistant Nipper, Edwy Searles Brooks who became the main writer of the stories eventually changed the format to a series of school story's at St Franks in 1917 with Nipper and his school chums being the main focus and Nelson Lee taking a backseat role as one of the a school master's but still involved in solving many of the mysteries that plagued St. Franks.
The Nelson Lee Library spanned 4 Series:
1. 12/06/1915 - 24/04/1926 for 568 Issues
2. 1/05/1926 - 18/01/1930 for 194 issues
3. 25/01/1930 - 18/02/1933 for 161 Issues
4. 25/02/1933 - 12/08/1933 for 29 Issues
The Nelson Lee Library merged with The Gem in 1933.