The Rainbow #1787 Date - (13th March 1954) Published by Amalgamated Press

Free Gift issue:


Free Gift - 2x animal stickers for the Rainbow Zoo Book



#13 - camel

#14 - emu

Comic Contents...
Mrs Brown's Bruin Boys - cover
King of the Island - text story
Look! The Tweeny Twins
Mr Editor's Letter
Smokey & Sooty- the chimney pots
March Winds: Bonnie, Bluebell and Frank - text story
Tiger Tim's Column - crafts & tricks
Our Dolliwogs - centre pages
Marzipan the Magician - centre pages
Snowball & the Tabby Twins - centre pages
On Holiday Farm - centre pages
The Two Pickles - centre pages
Tiny and Tom - page pages
Susie and her Funny Pets - centre pages
Monty Mouse - centre pages
The Brownie Boys - centre pages
Witchery Wood
Talking Fish - puzzle
Tiger Tim's club
Cowboy Chums- The Runaway - text story
Plucky Pandy
Mermaid Bay - back page
Tommy and Tumpy the elephant - back page