
567 issues


published by IPC


(9th March 1974) to (30th March 1985)


Comic covers are numbered up to issue #31 - (5th Oct 1974), after which they where only cover dated, although no cover dates appeared on the covers between issues (1, 4-6)


due to printers strikes etc the following issues where never published...

28th Dec 1974

4th & 11th Jan 1975

9th, 16th & 23rd Dec 1978

17th, 24th & 31st May 1980

7th June 1980


There was a forenight date for (21st-28th June 1980) - issue #319


The cover of the issue dated (5th Nov 1983) states on the cover that it is issue #500

it's not, it's actually issue #494


Shiver & Shake merges on (12th Oct 1974)

Cheekly Weekly merges on (9th Feb 1980)

Wow! merges on (2nd July 1983)


mereged with Whizzer & Chips on (6th April 1985)

The COMICS.... (1974 to 1985)