
overall 87 issues - including banned issue


Pre-Ban Series - (14th Feb 1976 - 23rd Oct 1976) - 37x issues

Post-Ban Series - (4th Dec 1976 - 12th Nov 1977) - 50x issues


Banned issue - (23rd Oct 1976)


Action was a violent action comic published by IPC magazines


The banned issue #37 appeared on (23rd Oct 1976) of which there are said to be approx 30 copies saved from pulping. A slightly smaller modern reprint was created.


Five Summer Specials where published between (1976 - 1980) and a new Special in 2020


The COMICS - (14th Feb 1976) - (12th Nov 1977)

Pre-Ban Series - (14th Feb 1976 - 23rd Oct 1976)

Post Ban Series - (4th Dec 1976 - 12th Nov 1977)

Post-Ban Series - (4th Dec '76 - 12th Nov '77)


The ANNUALS - (1977 - 1985)

  • 1977 - Annual


  • 1978 - Annual


  • 1979 - Annual


  • 1980 - Annual


  • 1981 - Annual


  • 1982 - Annual


  • 1983 - Annual


  • 1984 - Annual


  • 1985 - Annual