132 issues

20th Feb 1971 to 25th Aug 1973

Countdown / TV Action was published by POLYSTYLE.

Genre: Action , Adventure & Science Fiction. 

Throughout life of the comic, it had a number of name changes to the point where the originally name was dropped to become TV Action.

  • Countdown 
  • Countdown: The Space Age Comic
  • Countdown for TV Action
  • TV Action + Countdown
  • TV Action in Countdown
  • TV Action


Three annuals were issued from 1972 to 1974.

  • Countdown Annual 1972
  • Countdown for TV Action Annual 1973
  • TV Action Annual 1974


Countdown was printed on high-quality paper and photogravure quality printing which made it more expensive than other comics on the market for the similar target audience. From Issue 59 is was relaunched as TV Action + Countdown and was printed on cheaper quality newsprint paper.


The COMICS... (1971 - 1973)

The 1970s...