The Wizard #200 Date - (2nd Oct 1926) Published by DC Thomson

Free Gift issue:

Free Gift:

Hidden Treature Clue Card (#8 of 8)


Card #8 - The Lone Prospector


reverse of card options:

Became a Trapper Instead

Claim Jumped

Struck it Rich

Gave up Expedition



These full colour cards where given out, one per week from issue #193 to issue #200

Much like the modern version of a role playing game, the reader would choose 'a clue' each week what adventure they would go on & with luck by issue #200 he would have completed the adventure and 'Struck it Rich'.

On the reserve of each card are four clues to choose from and the following week they would see how that choice panned out.


The main front picture of the card had nothing to do with the adventre on the reserve.


Within Wizard #194 was a form for the reader to fill out to mark how their adventre was going. If by issue #200 they had successfully completed the adventure they would send in the completed form for a prize draw.