The Champion was a boys story paper first published in (28th Jan 1922), running until (19th March 1955). It was restarted in 1966 as a comic magazine from (26th Feb 1966) running for 15 issues until (4th June 1966).
not to be confused with The Boy's Champion Story Paper which first appeared in (19th Jan 1901).
The Annuals:
The annuals, known as 'The Champion Annual for Boys', where printed between (1924 - 1942), no annuals where printed between (1943 to 1946) due to war time shortages, the annuals restarted between (1947 - 1956)
The new series, called 'Champion Annual' created a further two annuals in 1967 & 1968
The COMICS... (1922 to 1955)
Free Gifts/comics listed to date:
- The Champion #577 - (18th Feb 1933) - Fighting Furies of the Boxing Ring
- The Champion #615 - (11th Nov 1933) - The Puzzle of the Sphinx
- The Champion #953 - (4th May 1940) - cover advert for next issues free gift
The Champion #577
- (18th Feb 1933)
Free Gift:
Fighting Furies of the Boxing Ring
expanding photo folder containing 7No. boxing photos
The Champion #615- (11th Nov 1933)
Free Gift:
The Puzzle of the Sphinx
card trick leaving the victim with soot covered fingers
The Champion #953
- dated (4th May 1940)
Full cover advert for the free gift in the next issue.
The R.A.F. at War - 20 page album to hold 16 cards, 4 cards given free with album. remaining cards to be presented with following issues