Girls' Crystal #187 Date - (20th May 1939) Published by The Amalgamated Press

Free Gift adverts to cover for the new two issues

issue #188 - free gift - Bluebird Hair-Clip

issue #189 - free gift - Snowfire Shampoo packet

Front page adverts for free gifts to be presented in following two issues
The Bandit's Daughter by Renee Frazer
Pat's Daring Parachute Jump by Elizabeth Chester
Brenda's Mystery Task in Hollywood by Daphne Grayson
full page free gift averts for the two two issues - Bluebord Hair-Clip and Snowfire Shampoo
advert for The Schoolgirl's Own Library #682
Her Unknown Enemy at School by Gail Western
Your Editor's Corner
Kaye of the Kennels by Ida Melbourne
From One Girl to Another - advice column
The Forbidden Broadcast by Peter Langley

from the collection of John Pollock