THe Halfpenny Wonder #39 Date - (19th Dec 1914) published by Amalgamated Press


The Wonderful Wonder Boys - Willie and Wally - front page
Fighting for Freedom or The Legion of the Lost - text story
A Soldier of the King! - text story
centre page cartoons:
Mrs Leeche's Lodgers
Dan the Railway Man
Ragged Reggie and Victor his Valet
Captain Timbertoe, our Jolly old Salt
Hitchy Koo, The Curbstone Comic
Uncle Poppem's Pop-Shop
Tales from the notebook of Lord Harry Saxon: The Diamond Cobra - text story
Ho, I Say! by Horatio Pimple - text story from the office boy
Sammy Smart, The Comical Shop-Walker - back page

from the collection of John Pollock