Playbox supplement comics

The Playbox supplements where usually 4 page pull-out sections growing up to 16 pages which appeared in early Women's magazines with coloured covers and usually black & white contents with stories, puzzles and usually a centrefold or full page of humour comic strips.

The strips included early appearances of Tiger Tim of the Bruin Boys from around November 1904 within the pull-out supplement inside The World & his Wife magazine. Later fame in The Rainbow & his own comic series Tiger Tim Weekly.


The Supplements appeared within,

Homechat @1898,

World & his Wife (1905 -1910)

New Children's Encyclopedia (1910 - 1913


after which the Playbox developed into a tabloid sized comic book (1925 - 1955)

Home Chat - supplements (1898)

  • issue - (29th Oct 1898)

World & his Wife - supplements (May 1905 - May 1910)

New Children's Encyclopedia - supplements (May 1910 - Dec 1913)

  • issue - (May 1910)


  • issue - (Dec 1913) - last issue